大家有没有经历过中耳炎?中耳炎可分为感染性和非感染性。前者由病毒或细菌引起,后者多是由于耳咽管受到阻塞所致。中耳炎可在单耳或双耳一齐发生,亦是儿童听觉受损的常见原因。 任何人的耳朵都可能会受到感染, 当然儿童的感染机会较大。 这是因为儿童中耳结构发育未成熟,导致急性中耳炎或中耳积水等问题。而成年人其耳咽管已经发育成熟,理论上发生急性中耳炎的机会较少,但亦要留意可能因意外而出现的情况,如:坐飞机或深海潜水时产生的大气压力变化丶挖耳朵不小心导致耳膜破裂等。 中耳炎绝不能掉以轻心,因可对听觉造成损害甚至影响小童的学习能力并窒碍言语发展。此外,中耳炎亦可扩散至头颅内的邻近组织,严重时可引致脑膜炎。因此,一旦患上中耳炎,必须及早就医进行治疗,将影响减至低。 中耳炎的病徵可能有以下情况:
婴儿或者幼儿;1拉扯或者抓耳朵,2听觉问题,3啼哭、烦躁,4发热 ,5呕吐,6耳朵排液。
However, like most patients all over the world, I had to do the walk of shame past everyone else waiting to be seen, down long hospital corridors, desperately swallowing to stop myself from screaming and shouting and swearing, until we got to the car and I could finally howl at the unfairness of it all lasix for pleural effusion The authors also used cross sectional national surveys on health behaviors to control for cancer confounders such as smoking, physical activity, diet, and socioeconomic status
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